Jordanelva som symbol

Elva Jordan har stor symbolkraft. I historia om Israelsfolket si ferd frå slaveriet i Egypt er kryssinga av Jordan det siste hinderet undervegs til det lova landet. Dermed har elva blitt symbol på fridom. Men den er også eit symbol på døden, overgangen frå dette livet til det evige livet.

I ein av dei kjente negro spirituals finn me for eksempel dette verset:

Jordan’s river is chilly and cold, hallelujah.
Kills the body but not the soul, hallelujah.

Kartet er henta frå Wikipedias artikkel om elva.

Ei av dei finaste skildringane eg har sett av Jordanelva, står i den klassiske boka The Historical Geography of the Holy Land av George Adam Smith. Boka kom første gong ut i 1894 og har sidan kome ut i utallige opplag. Mi utgåve er gjeven ut i Jerusalem i 1974. Les meir om boka hos Ritmeyer.

Slik skriv Smith om Jordanelva:

Among the rivers of the world the Jordan is unique by a twofold distinction of Nature and History. Hundreds of other streams are more large, useful, or beautiful; none has been more spoken about by mankind. Other rivers have awakened a richer poetry in the peoples through whom they pass – for the references to Jordan in the Bible are few, and, with two or three exceptions, prosaic – but of none has the music sounded so far or so pleasantly, across the world. There are holy waters which annually attract a greater number of pilgrims, but to none do pilgrims travel from such various and distant lands. In influence upon the imagination of man, the Nile is perhaps the Jordan’s only competitor. He has drown to his valley one after another of the greatest races of the world; his mystery and annual miracle have impressed the mind equally of ancient and of modern man. But the Nile has never been adopted by a universal religion. To the fathers of human civilisation that silent flood, which cut their land in two, across which their dead were ferried, and the Lord Sun himself passed daily to his death among the desert hills, was the symbolic border of the next world. But who now knows this, who feels it, save as a fact of ancient history? Whereas, still to half the world, the short, thin thread of the Jordan is the symbol of both frontiers of the spirit’s life on earth – the baptism through which it passes into God’s Church, and the waters of death which devide this pilgrim fellowship from the Promised Land.

Jordan er, som Smith skriv, relativt beskjeden til å ha blitt så berømt. Elva renn i Jordandalen ned til Dødehavet. Kjeldene er lengst nord i Israel, i området nær Hermonfjellet. Jordandalen er ein liten del av Great Rift Valley; mykje av dalen ligg lågare enn havet. Gennesaretsjøen ligg ca 210 m.u.h. og Dødehavet ca 400 m.u.h. Jordanelva er altså også unik ved at den renn ned til det lågaste punktet på jorda.

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