2000 år gamle rom funne under bakken ved Vestmuren

Denne filmen viser interessante arkeologiske funn som er presenterte idag frå utgravingane under plassen framfor Vestmuren i Jerusalem: Her er det funne rom som er hogd ut i fjellgrunnen for ca 2000 år sidan. Foreløpig er det usikkert kva romma blei brukt til. Romma låg under ein monumental bygning frå bysantinsk tid, også den under bakken i dag.

Det skal bli interessant når desse funna blir opna for publikum. Då satsar eg på å kunna vera blant dei som besøker staden!

Israel Antiquities Authority skriv:

Researchers suppose that the complex was used by Jerusalem residents during the Early Roman period, prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple. The system was sealed beneath the floor of a large and impressive structure from the Byzantine period, waiting for some 2,000 years to be discovered.


Dr. Barak Monnickendam-Givon and Tehila Sadiel, directors of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, said: “This is a unique finding. This is the first time a subterranean system has been uncovered adjacent to the Western Wall. You must understand that 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem, like today, it was customary to build out of stone. The question is, why were such efforts and resources invested in hewing rooms underground in the hard bedrock?” According to Dr. Monnickendam-Givon and Sadiel “The rich array of findings discovered in this excavation shed light on the daily life of the residents of the ancient city. Among other things, we found clay cooking vessels, cores of oil lamps used for light, a stone mug unique to Second Temple Period Jewish sites, and a fragment of a qalal – a large stone basin used to hold water, thought to be linked to Jewish practices of ritual purity”

Les meir

(Via PaleoJudaica)

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